Law Enforcement Agencies
Richer, larger, datasets offer a better understanding of the problem and also help to identify patterns. Enhanced typologies and indicators will help identify both victims and perpetrators and lead to lower false positives.
Hotspot data will provide information about changing trends of trafficking allowing a fast response.
Law Enforcement can contribute criminal typologies from their case work and benefited from leads into potentially new trafficking activity.
TA Hub Features
Map Analysis: Geospacial Analytics
Analysis Register: Collaboration Capabilities
News Explorer: The Visual Insights Tool from IBM Research.
Risk Dashboard: Victim Centric, Recruitment Insights, and Trafficker Centric filterable and downloadable data.
Secure APIs : Enter a specific query and pull out the data you are interested in.
Analyst Calls, Training and Events: Get priority access to our conferences, attend participant only Analyst Calls and get 1 to 1 training sessions with one of our specialists.